I'm hosting FUN Monday...woohoo!
My theme or topic is something that just came out and I apologize in advance if you find it a bit corny...but hey, I'd wish you all would participate as they say, being corny sometimes helps us stay young at heart! ;)
Let's talk about TEARS. What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘tears’? Have you ever had tears of laughter and tears of joy? When was the last time you had tears of joy? Tears of laughter? Tell us about it!
What's with the topic?! Well I love crying...not that I am a sentimental person...just that CRYING for me is something we human beings are blessed with. Show me a person who do not appreciate the fact that he/she knows how to cry!
So what images spring to mind when I hear the word 'tears'? Well so many wonderful things...even the sad things that made me cry, they're wonderful to me as they all made me stronger. Yet...as weird as this may sound, when you ask me when was the last time I cried there is a greater chance that what I'll remember would be some happy moments!
Tears are words the heart can't express.
When I am too overwhelmed with joy or when I am overpowered with something I can't explain...I CRY. I guess it's my mind and my heart's way of telling me to just enjoy the feeling and stop bothering to know what it is.
I cry every Christmas...on my birthdays...when I watch a happy movie...when I get a surprise call from friends....when I see old friends again...when I read my old journals/diary...when I play with my nephew. I cry when I am happy. Even when I go to mass (Sunday service or other occasions) I cry during communion (though not always)...I cry when I see other people's happy...I cry when I hear success stories...
And I always feel good after!
Take note...when I say I cry...they can be just little tears in my eyes...not that I whimper! LOL
Not so long ago I had dinner with the IT Guy and I think he said something like he never thought he can be as happy...it was something so sweet and nice I cried. Well...we both cried. (And this is something TMI, but well...have you ever made love to your partner that it was so good that you cried after?! Because I have those moments!)
I cry every time I go shopping wit Mom...every time we play (yes we still do!). I grew up thinking we've lost her and well we still have her 'til now and it just feels so good having her around. And with Mom around...we (not just me) most of the time LOL 'til we got choked with our own tears because she has so much humor!
I cry every time Dad comes to me and hug me and ask me how I am....because in as much as I know he loves me (us) he rarely do that.
I cry every time I go through my cousins Facebook accounts...because it seems only yesterday when I was helping my Aunt feed them...and how they've grown and how proud I am for them...and I cry more every time they say they want to be like me! (What have I done to deserve that! LOL)
I cried in the plane on the way to Cebu thinking how R and his kids spent time with me...and how I enjoyed the company their company and how I feel loved and important!
I cried last night when the nephew saw the scar in my arm (remember that accident?!) and he almost cried and asked "Yayay?" (anything painful here is referred to as yayay by children) and then he kissed the scar...and hugged me like he was comforting me. Wow...even children can offer comfort!
Okay...maybe I am sentimental! Or maybe not...doesn't matter! LOL
Please sign up below if you are joining so others can visit you. I look forward to hearing from you people...
Wish you all a very happy Monday!
I need a host for next week... ;)