You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
What is Your World View? created with |
Monday, January 29, 2007
I am an Existentialist!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
My fine is $325.50!
I got this from Joe's Blog and I really had fun doing it! So, I am posting it may want to fine is $ 325.50.
Here’s how it works: You don’t have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. (Not per incident!) Tally up your score and post it on your blog with the title… ”My Fine Is…”
Smoked pot — $10
Did acid — $5
Ever had sex at church — $25
Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you — $40
Had sex with someone on MySpace — $25
Had sex for money — $100
Vandalized something — $20
Had sex on your parents’ bed — $10
Beat up someone — $20
Been jumped — $10
Crossed dressed — $10
Given money to stripper — $25
Been in love with a stripper — $2
0Kissed some one who’s name you didn’t know — $0.10
Hit on some one of the same sex while at work — $15
Ever drive drunk — $20
Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk — $50
Used toys while having sex — $30
Got drunk, passed out and don’t remember the night before — $20
Went skinny dipping — $5
Had sex in a pool — $20
Kissed someone of the same sex — $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex — $20
Cheated on your significant other — $10
Masturbated — $10
Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend — $20
Done oral — $5
Got oral — $5
Done/got oral in a car while it was moving — $25
Stole something — $10
Had sex with someone in jail — $25
Made a nasty home video — $15
Had a threesome — $50
Had sex in the wild — $20
Been in the same room while someone was having sex — $25
Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars — $20
Had sex with someone 10 years older — $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 — $25
Been in love with two people or more at the same time — $50
Said you love someone but didn’t mean it — $25
Went streaking — $5
Went streaking in broad daylight — $15
Been arrested — $5Spent time in jail — $15
Peed in the pool — $0.50
Played spin the bottle — $5
Done something you regret — $20
Had sex with your best friend — $20
Had sex with someone you work with at work — $25
Had anal sex — $80
Lied to your mate — $5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good — $25
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Depths of Depravity
There is a book I once read that asks the question,
"What's the most depraved type of human being?"
The answer might surprise you,
“The man without a purpose.”
I agree with that statement completely.
I do not have a clear purpose for this web site nor this particular post. I am just ranting...
You could say, right now, my mind is adrift and at the mercy of random feelings and unidentified urges and can be quite capable of some incredible evil thoughts.
I am totally out of control of certain parts of my mind.
I think I am going to be exploring those parts of my mind here.
Do you want to explore them with me?
I also think I am looking or searching for something out there.
Unfortunately, if I find it, I am not sure what I will do with it.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Don't Pee On My Leg And Tell Me It's Raining!
It becomes difficult to blog when my mind turns to mush. And work is slowly turning my brain to mush. The more I try to figure things out, the more confusing it makes things.
I have of course always assumed that SHE was the way SHE was, just because SHE enjoys torturing me. While this may still be the fact, our most recent incident leads me to believe that SHE is not so much evil as SHE is In-Fucking-Sane.
People do try their wings once in awhile, that is understandable and anybody who passed through adolescense would know that.
But if people try their wings on you, what are you most likely to do? Or should I say, what are you supposed to do?
The wind in my sails was deliberately, and visciously tampered with last night. The part that makes it the worst, is that I know it was on purpose. Worst still, is that I let it get to me. And get to me it did... damnit. (I know I have my ways with words...)
So I tried to get into details in a hope of fixing the problem. What a false hope it was. To top it all, I got a long list of details, facts, or should I say, derailed details, mutated facts rub down my throat...and they expect me to believe that. WTF?! Grow up people!
I wouldn't be Process Improvement Manager (something that you can never do in many years) had I been born yesterday. You don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining...
I hope I am wrong but my logic has yet to fail me...
So, if you get your ID with all the correct information on it except your department and your designation and they tell you it's just a minor lapses and it only happens to you...well then, you just got peed on!
If they tell you getting another color code for your ID to represent your independent department is too much and impossible, you just got peed on!
When those who call themselves authorities on issues and subject matters stand up and try to tell you 'Thus saith the Law' and there's no internal witness or fruit to what they are saying, you just got peed on!
When an authority uses control, manipulation, and scare tactics on you and tells you it's the protocol, you just got peed on!
Keep singing, "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" if you want to!
Well enough is enough, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. That is the greatest insult you can bring to yourself.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Miracles Happen Everyday
Everyday I find reasons to believe more in God.
I read an article a few minutes ago about a woman being rescued be campers after being in the wild for weeks. Yes, 5 weeks to be exact!
God is good, all the time.
Read more.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
A Time for Everything
This has been a good reflection for me today. This inpires me, and I hope it inspires you too.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
New Year Goals
Resolutions are a bunch of BS, at least in the typical fashion they are used. People tend to believe resolutions as giving something up like sweets or smoking or masturbating while driving. (OK, threw that one in just to see if you were paying attention.)
The truth is, making those types of resolutions sets you up to fail and who needs to start off a new year as a failure? Not me. I can't remember the last time I made that type of resolution and this year is no exception.
Instead, I am going with the definitions of resolution which state as:
(1) The state or quality of being resolute.
(2) Resolving to do something.
(3) A course of action determined or decided upon.
(4) Finding a solution to a problem.
So, without further ado, here's my list of resolutions for 2007.
*Declutter whenever possible.
*Volunteer more.
*Laugh more and cry less.
*Continue on a path to mental, physical and spiritual health.
*Write. Write. Write.
*Figure out why I forget how to spell words I have known my whole life.
*Do cardio at least 3 times a week and not beat myself up if I don't.
*Do everything in moderation such as eating green mangoes, drinking Coke, doing shots of Apple Pucker, etc.
*Save money when possible but spend money when necesssary to achieve any of the above mentioned items.
*Take vacations.
*Use the word fuck less, but actually fuck more.
*Be a good friend, daughter, sister, aunt, gf.
*Not take myself too seriously.
*Remember that I no longer work for LTG and that alone makes my job great.
*Act silly.
*Try new restaurants.
*Learn something new about people around me.
*Tell people how I feel.
*Do something that I am afraid to do.
*Wear clothes that flatter my figure not clothes that are trendy but look awful on me.
*Dance whenever possible.
*Practice random acts of kindness.
*Cook more for people I care.
*Stop wishing I was famous and enjoy who I am.
*Read...and not just Sunstar or blogs.
*When people ask me when I am getting married thank them for reminding me.
*Give up on the idea that I am secretly a super hero or will come in to an astronomical amount of money that will allow me to quit my job and travel the world.
*Take more pictures.
*Try to remember sun screen.
*Get manicures and pedicures whenever possible.
*Add to this list whenever I see fit.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year!
Holidays are coming to an end. Back to the grind of evening work and desk imprisonment tonight. It’s incredible how quickly a week goes by when you don’t have to work eh?
At least it’s a short week. It’ll be a long, short week though if you get my drift. I’m sure that the work will be piled up in my hands, as it already is and I’ll have to jump in like I’ve never been gone. Yippee.
Anyway, I still have the rest of the day to live the life of a woman of leisure.
I’ve been considering for the past couple of days how I could adequately wrap up 2006 in a year end post.
Another year has come and is slowly drifting into the sunset. With it, it takes all that represents 2006 and files it away as done. There have been moments I will cherish forever and others I will try to forget. I have been touched by life. Death came knocking, and miracles happened. Laughter filled my soul but danced a slow one with sadness. Friendships were made yet other were lost. Some wounds will heal, others never will. But tomorrow is coming and life goes on.
It's been a year filled with disappointments and some interesting surprises. The tail end of 2006 has been a sad one for some of my friends and I hope the New Year brings them some peace and happiness.
In many ways 2006 has been liberating and fun yet there were a few moments...For the first time in a long time I found myself free to be myself and I took advantage of it.
Although things aren’t always peachy in the lives of Mariposa & her MAN , (we still have obstacles and fears to face) things are looking up.
As year 2006 drew to its timely close, I reflect upon not only my own journey but the journies of others. I wish only the best to You this next year. It’s a clean slate and anything can happen.
Hope you have better stories to tell.
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