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Friday, July 24, 2009

A Long Short Week

It's Friday already! I did not even notice the week's ending...I was that busy. I feel it's a long week...considering the long list of things I did and short as well as it just seems to pass me by.

Work is very good...and it's been challenging. I am so happy to share with you my success in driving good numbers at work. I am so happy with the team I have...they're responsible and more than anything we are leading the race right now. One program used to be at the bottom when I joined and now it's leading. WOOT! is my Friday Fill-ins take for this week.

1. To see you go is not the end of the world. (But it can certainly rocks one's world to see a friend go! I miss you Pia!)

2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, I remember happy moments and long for them.

3. SUCCESS tastes so good!

4. Sometimes, putting others first is just what we need to feel good.

5. The sunrise today is breathtaking, really. (But then I think same way everyday!)

6. Well, maybe there is LUCK.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finish whatever I need to finish at work (I work in the evening!), tomorrow my plans include spending time at the kitchen and Sunday, I want to go to the salon!

Happy Friday everyone!


Life Scraps and Patches said...

What is there about rain that makes us feel nostalgic? Glad things are going well at work for you.

Anonymous said...

Great answers. Really enjoyed them. Have a great Friday :)

~ Mhay ~ said...

I agree with your #3 and #4 :) Have a great weekend! :)

Ozzy's Mom said...

if i could i wish i could be in the salon every week! have a great weekend.

broca's area said...

my week too was surgery now!!

Auntie Q said...

Enjoyed your answers! Happy Weekend!

Bitter Sweet Moments said...

Great list!! Have a great weekend;)

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

Great answers! That reminds me, I really need to get to the salon! LOL I agree, success does taste wonderful!

AudreyO said...

Oh my goodness, I so agree that helping others or doing things for others can absolutely make us feel better.

Autumn said...

Happy weekend! :)

Wrighty said...

Such thoughtful answers! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the salon.

Isolated Existence. said...

Great FF! Enjoy your weekend!

Jen said...

Happy Friday to YOU, Mariposa, although now it's Saturday night your time. I hope it's been a good weekend!