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Friday, February 19, 2010

And Friday Came...

It's a Friday and I'm nursing a cold. Pfft!

Anyway, here is my take for this week's Friday Fill-ins!

1. Johnny Weir the skater?
2. Vancouver is hosting 2010 Olympics.
3. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud is more costly than the risk it took to blossom. *I love this poem by Anais Nin, take note I changed the word painful to costly since this line speaks to me strongly with my decision to join a new start-up company in another city. This will be the first time I will be away from my family.
4. Yield for it if you get an urge. Hehehe!
5. Having sweet dreams makes my coffee every morning sweeter.
6. What does it take to make dreams come true.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include doing the grocery and Sunday, I want to start preparing for my trip. (I will be moving to another city end of month for a new and more challenging job!)
Hope you all enjoy your Friday!


Cacai M. said...

Good luck for the new challenging job... have a great weekends by the way..

My Friday Fill-ins

Anonymous said...

Wow! A new city and new job. Have a great weekend!

Marice said...

oh thats Johnny? see i havent seen any of the games yet heheh

happy weekend
u may view mine here

achildoftheking said...

Wow...a move and a new job. What a challenge. Happy Weekend!

Jim said...

Congratulations on the new job! Moves keep you busy. Have a nice weekend!

Bekah said...

Happy weekend. May all your trip planning go smoothly.

My Friday Fill-In:

Cecile said...

Good new with your move into new city as well as the new job :-)

Rims said...

Ah well I wish I knew the answer to #6 :)

All the best wishes for your new job!

Thanks for stopping by!

Cya next FF!

anne said...

Hi mariposa thanks for the visit and congratulations in advance for your new job