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Friday, May 02, 2008

The Pangs and Pleasures of Partings

a kiss then we part
drop a tear and bid adieu
shall be missing you

gone, flitted away
now my days are nights to see
'til I can see thee

absence becomes sweet
knowing in few months we'll meet
so I hope and wish

For more Haiku, please visit A Mommy Story!


Anonymous said...

Parting is such sweet sorrow!

Head Gaggler said...

Great Ku, very poetic.

Anonymous said...

flitted away... isn't that the way it seems when we must part.

Anne B. said...

Awww... great haiku... appopriate to so many situation.

Kat said...

That was a beautiful haiku! It takes me back.
Great job!

Rachel said...

What a beautiful haiku.

Gabriel said...

Mariposa, you made it to my Top 10 this month (check here).

Thank you!

storyteller said...

Shakespeare reminds us
parting is a ‘sweet sorrow’ …
as does your Haiku

Hugs and blessings,

the planet of janet said...


Anonymous said...

Sad, but very beautiful. Nice work.

Scylla said...

That is a lovely Haiku, very emotional and easy to empathize with.

Anonymous said...

:) grey so not poetic :D

Joyce said...

Your haiku sounds Shakespearean! :)

Anonymous said...

Great haiku! I can relate so very much and look forward to seeing my man after far too long.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Very pretty! I like it...I'm not talented at that. In fact I feigned cramps all through poetry in Jr High.

Well, I figured it worked in Gym..why not English class?

Nancie said...

Parting is always hard. The thought of meeting again brings hope.

Thanks for sharing this. Have a great weekends!

Anonymous said...

it's lovely! it's been a long since i last came here, sorry busy eh. i hope you're doing well :)