A little late for Fun Monday...but glad to still make it!
Theme for Jan. 3: I live in a climate with a long, cold winters. Over the years, I've built up a supply of clothing and items to keep warm and dry. I think of them as my arsenal for winter combat. What's in your winter weather arsenal? Or, if you don't have tough winters where you live, tell us about something you own that you wouldn't want to be without.
Now...I live in the tropics and we have no winter, yet I've tried it when I had the chance to travel to US and some parts of Europe...and I'd day I can't survive winter! Yes, I just can't.
While I live in the tropics...I can still participate Fun Monday I guess. *wink* We have our rainy season here which is the colder part of the year...and it is around this time. I know it's nothing compared to winter in the US and other parts of the world...but well...
For rainy season...I usually wear sweaters and jackets, like this one!
It's an old photo...and in fact I have posted this already here...but hey, I just don't want to miss Fun Monday anymore!
P.S. My apologies for messing up the past Fun Mondays. The change of work just got me really busy beyond words...while it is something I have been wanting for so long...it is also killing me in some ways. I will be very careful with my wishes next time! LOL
I am glad to see you again, Mariposa. I too have been away from Fun Monday and signed up a few times and then was unable to post. Sweaters do come in useful for keeping away a chill.
We took your monthly host idea and ran with it. December was kind of light on participation because of the holiday craziness, but it seems to be picking up again.
Glad to see you back! I wouldn't make it in a place with no real change of seasons. I live in Florida and there's not much change HERE, but it does get cold from time to time.
Love the sweater!
Oh, I don't think it's true that you wouldn't survive a cold winter. You'd adapt. You might hate it, of course! But you'd adapt.
Please click here to sign up for Jan 10th's Fun Monday
Hey, Mariposa--nice to see your smiling face again. I understand what you're experiencing with the new and more challenging job. Have a young friend who's going through the same thing right now--very demanding work along with having a young child. Keep thinking about how much you wanted the job and just hope your company doesn't want to transfer you to a cold climate!
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