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Friday, January 29, 2010

Be a Green Police!

Be part of the world's largest greenfield music and performing arts festival, be a be a Green Police! Yes, I am talking about the Glastonbury festival, a fun and creative way of promoting environmental concerns by promoting simple rules are follows --

* We stop people urinating in the water and hedgerows.
* We make sure people dispose of their fag butts correctly.
* We encourage litter picking, recycling and better waste management.

I have always been a lover of nature and I really admire efforts like this. Nothing grand, nothing fancy but to the point. We all can help save mother nature and be a green-keeper by keeping the fun, creativity and sexiness, which is just what Glastonbury Festival is all about. Just look at how fun it is!

While it is certainly fun and artsy, the festival retains its seriousness and intent in promoting their main objectives. All these rules will be explain to festival goers face to face and should you want to be part of it, you have to make up your mind and heart to it.

So what are you waiting for, be part of this grand festival, send in your Green Police application now!

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