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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mariposa Is Sick

...please call the Doctor very quick!

I'm off work today due to illness. Pfft.

Okay, let me give you the run down...I have cold...fever...upset stomach...and I can't seem to kick this Bi-ouch! feeling away. (Thanks Jenn for this new word!)

I feel so awful being away from work specially that I was supposed to do an interview with some applicants.

So I guess I will be away from here for days again. (((SIGH)))


broca's area said...

oh..wanna help?...

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. Maybe a doctor should be called? LOL. I would call it a biatch my self LOL. Get better soon my friend :)

Anonymous said...

I am coming over there to doctor you back to health!

Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, feel better soon!

Nancie said...

Dear Mari,

I am sorry to read that you are unwell. Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. May God restore you speedily. Do rest well.

I have not been blogging actively and so not visiting many blogs. Missed you so. Do take care and keep in touch.

With hugs and prayers,

sbwrites said...

Hope you feel better soon!


BTExpress said...

Hope your better soon. I used to feel guilty missing work too, when I worked for small companies that appreciated my work and I was compensated well. Then I started working for large corporations and got into supervision. That taught me that it was all about the bottom line. People were little more than a commodity. Push them as hard as they'd let you and toss them a few bones to keep them happy. That's when I learned not to worry so much about the company. So take care of yourself, they'll have to do without you for a little while.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon dear!

Get well Brownies on the way !