...without Comparing?
NOTE: I've combined my Wordful Wednesday and Word Filled Wednesday. This photo was taken from my last vacation with the IT Guy!Competition is just everywhere! Though people most often viewed me as somebody competitive, truth is many times in my life I've tried to run away from it. And I always feel. So instead I tried to befriend it...get to know more about it.
Competition is not that bad after all! Whether in sports...business...or life, it can be a good thing. It moves us to work harder...refine our skills and knowledge, and to more importantly it motivates ourselves to perform as well as we possibly can. So this is one aspect where competition is beneficial.
However conflicts lurk in the shadow of competition. This conflict which can be dangerous becomes so real as competition yields to comparison...resulting in envy and jealousy.
I can just think of many times when healthy competition deteriorated into unhealthy comparison causing relationships. Just sad.
All this time I am always reminding myself to stay within the line of healthy competition as it is something unavoidable. So just how do we do that? Is it really possible to enjoy the benefits of competition while avoiding the pitfalls of comparison? I'd like to quote sections from the book What Makes A Winner by R. J. Tamasy on this topic.
When we compete fairly and equitably, we can be at peace with ourselves - and with others. Our victories need not come at the expense of others. But when we compete to win "at any cost," unhealthy conflict becomes inevitable. If how we compare with others stands paramount in our minds, competition becomes ugly. "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" (Proverbs 14:30).
Harmony and cooperation in the workplace - as well as in the home and with friends - are prized commodities, but they cannot exist in an environment of harsh competition and comparison. If we value our relationships, sometimes it might be worth settling for a bit less than we would prefer. "Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred" (Proverbs 15:17).
There is something very appealing about being able to go to work without the dread of facing conflict, or being able to go to sleep unhindered by anger and unnecessary anxieties. One way to achieve this is by competing fairly and without unfair comparison. "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife" (Proverbs 17:1).
Jealousy can have destructive impact. There may be times when we feel unfairly treated, or that others have received inequitable advantages. Our perceptions may be true, but festering jealousy can be like an uncontrolled cancer Eventually it kills - relationships, hopes, reputations, even careers. "Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" (Proverbs 27:4)
I am so happy that I can finally move to a new workplace soon! I've been meaning to make an official announcement on this...but I'm still waiting for my contract so 'til then nothing is final. I've been praying for this opportunity to come and I am so hopeful not to drop the ball. I hope I get to have the contract in my hand soon... :)
Happy Wordful Filled Wednesday!
For more Wordful Wednesday, please visit Seven Clown Circus...
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at Word Filled Wednesday
Hugs and Blessings,

sounds like a great book for advice
great thoughts. Love the photo and the verse. :o)
beautiful thoughts! thanks for sharing..
I love the sea and the beach ....
Indeed what this verse say happens...when you look at a peacefull seesight
Blessed WFW
Such an awesome WFW.
Great post. Lovely illustration.
Great verse and I loved your thoughts on it.
Have a blessed day!
So true! Thanks!
love the verse and your pic!
Great thoughts......so true, too!
I love these thoughts! I will never look at competition the same way again. Great pic and Scriptures, too! Happy WFW to you.
Great words, and a wonderful verse with your photo! Thank you for sharing and have a great WFW.
Blessings to you on Word Filled Wednesday!
Competition in and of itself is not bad. It promotes many good things -- not the least of which is critical thinking. But like everything else, it can be taken to extremes. Not everything in life is a contest, there are times when there are no "winners and losers". In fact, there are some times when everyone actually can win.
And I wanted to say thanks SO much for stopping by and helping to make my "Maggie Tribute" a success. The comments are the best part. (Other than, hopefully, some new visitors to VU...) This is one example of everyone involved winning. Thanks for being part of it.
Great post and wonderful thoughts. Thanks for stopping in and commenting.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing...
beautiful picture and scripture! happy ww!!!
beautiful picture and scripture! happy ww!!!
Good food for thought.....I've had to let go of comparing myself to others.....
By realizing what I have to offer is special in its own unique way has helped me accomplish that.
A pretty picture and great verse
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