If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
It is not by coincidence that the photo above features a silhouette of a vine locally called as Cadena de Amor...which could be translated as chain of love?! This vine looks like THIS with its actual color and life! ;)
I'm rather late than my usual posting of Word Filled Wednesday today, in fact, it's already 30 minutes passed 10PM here...few hours from now it will be Thursday and as most of you know, time for my Thankful Thursday. So, I will make this post for both instead...not that I'm lazy...or running out of time...but because I have only one topic for both.
The title of this post speaks for my heart and mind. Loving and living...two beautiful words intertwining...summarizing the life of Mariposa. :)
I have a new a header which I am happy and thankful about! But, beyond the ramblings...Mariposa's Tales is about loving and living. Loving because the verse I chose this week says it all...there is no meaning if there is no love for God is love.
♥ I feel so blessed for being loved...and more than anything, ♥ for having the opportunity to know what love is...in all aspects of it! To love is such a nice feeling. Of course there is always the fear and hurt, yet, at the end of it all, it's all worth it!
Some people more than being to scared to love, they are scared to be loved...because it is when we allow people to love that we risk being hurt. So sometimes we feign independence and reliance, not because we really do mange on our own but because of the fear of being hurt. I, on the other hand...falls to what that category whom others might consider too naive...because well,
♥ So many times in my life I asked myself if I should stopped being too loving and friendly...yet, I cannot...it just feels good to love people than to be detached from them...so I go on loving....living...and this week's affirms my decision...and I'd say, that outlook of mine makes life easy...and fulfilling...something to be so grateful of!
Can you believe there are some people who claims they don't know how to love? Well...there are! And I always pray for them...and if you are a stranger who happens to be doing a GOOGLE search on the topic of loving...well, you can start with putting your mind to it...I believe whatever we do consciously forms into habit...next thing you know you are into it...it works with vices...and so with LOVE, only the latter is something eternal!
Happy WFW!
Celebrate with us as we share inspiring Bible verses at Word Filled Wednesday...
And don't forget, everyday is the best time to give thanks!

Please check Thankful Thursday
and together let us celebrate
all the things we should
be grateful for!
lovely post indeed!!...eyeopener!:)
Wow,this was great!!
Thanks for sharing.
Sweet dreams my friend♥
two awesome posts in one...thanks for sharing...yes,,love love love..I keep saying..'love believes the best'...
Hello Mariposa,
You are an inspiration! Blessings...
Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!! Happy WFW!!
Great post M! and hey it's on 6pm here on W for me, so you weren't late! lol
Very nice.
wow what a post. interesting and thought provoking. Enjoyed reading your thoughts. :)
Blessings to you.
A smile is such eloquent language.
Hello Mari! I missed you so much. You are in thoughts and prayers. Yes, great minds do think alike :)
Love your new header and the WFW picture and verse. Very beautiful and such a precious reminders from 1 Cor 13. May God enable us to love others with His love which is unconditional and everlasting.
God bless you...
What a beautiful post today on love. Thank you for joining us over at Thankful Thursday. I am reminded today that Christ is the perfect example of love for us. Happy TT! -Laurie
you can start with putting your mind to it...I believe whatever we do consciously forms into habit...next thing you know you are into it...it works with vices...and so with LOVE, only the latter is something eternal!
It is so true love is a choice. One more reminder about my choices lately. Thank you for letting God speak so beautifully today.
I enjoyed your post so much! I liked when you said, "Loving and living...two beautiful words intertwining...summarizing the life of Mariposa." That should sum up all of our lives! Thanks for sharing that-you've given me lots to think about.
What a lovely post. Glad you posted!
This was lovely. A beautiful photo and sentiment behind your words.
Our world needs more people who love others!
Haev a good day.
A lovely, lovely "double post."
great post- it's all in making the decison-just do it. one of my scriptures this week "Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ. Ephesians 5:2 Be blessed
Your love makes this world a better place!
Good post. You have a loving heart and that is such a blessing to other people. Have a great evening!
Love the post. Your loving heart is a blessing to others. Have a wonderful evening!
A lovely post! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your engagement!
Thanks for that post and a great Word.
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