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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finding Life's Meaning...

I came so that everyone would have life,
and have it in its fullest.

- John 10:10

My Word Filled Wednesday entry this week has been inspired by Susan the Wellness Writer. She started writing another wonderful series of post last Monday on Thinking About Life's Meaning. Her brief discussion on the book written by Bruce Grierson, U-Turn: What If You Woke Up One Morning and Realized You Were Living The Wrong Life? got me into the topic once again...though I admit, it's the first time this happened!

Every now and then I always go back to this question...what am I living for? What is my life's meaning? And then, there is that one dreaded question, what if I am living the wrong life? Scary isn't it?!

I have not read the book yet but Susan did mention in her part 2 post that the book is about people who dramatically made a U Turn in their lives...I however, like her, is more interested in knowing and understanding what prompted them to make those changes rather than the different turns which they took.

So many times in our lives we are unsure if we are living the life we want...the life we deserve. Most often than not, this happens when we are faced with so many issues in our lives...for it is during those moments that we are more likely to shift gears before stepping on the gas. This reminds me to my WFW entry last week on Deliverance. And ask myself that question again, do I really need to struggle to live the life I've been wanting to live...and the life I deserve?! Then, what is that life that I want and I deserve?

My dear friends, John 10:10 summarizes all the answer to my questions in my search for the meaning of life. Many years ago I have decided to lift it all up to him. I have stopped trying to live the lives which people thinks I need to have. I have stopped living the life which I believe I need to have simply because my family background, my friends and the society I am living in tells me that it is the life I am inclined to and should have.

Today, I am renewing that resolution and covenant I have made to myself many years ago...that turning point in my life when I decided to be happy. The day I commit to live my life according to His will. To live the life I ought to have. The life which He wanted me to live to its fullest. A life that is pleasing to His eyes.

It is not easy. The journey is long...tough...and there are so many bumps along the way, but I know in the end it will be all worth it. Life's challenges will simply delay my trip...but it will never derail me from my destination.

This week, I am so happy to share with you all the wonderful life I found in Him.

Celebrate with us as we share inspiring Bible verses at Word Filled Wednesday...

Wish you all a blessed and meaningful Wednesday!

P.S. I hope to write more on this topic this Sunday for my Sacred Life Sunday.


Anonymous said...

The quest in your life should be to make everyone you life touches better.
In any way.

Make their life better. Be they friend or foe. Make their life better. Life is fleeting, so do all you can to make those aorund you have a better go of it.
You are a beautiful person. I am positive u make your peers lives better.

Denise said...

Bless you sweetie.

Anonymous said...

".......commit to live my life according to His will." That's what it's all about isn't it? Thanks for the reminder and God bless you!

Anonymous said...

No life can be full unless it is full of the Father.

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Blessed WFW

Janet Benlien Reeves said...

Wow--what a thought-provoking post.

LauraLee Shaw said...

Wow, this is really beautiful and powerful. Thank YOU!

Amydeanne said...

Praying for your desire to follow God shines through M!

Laurie Ann said...

The life found in Him and living life according to His will, His purpose and His plan for us is the only way we will ever find true happiness. I have to remind myself of that from time to time, too.

Beautiful picture and Scripture. Awesome post! Happy WFW!

ellen b. said...

It's worth repeating to ourselves the truth that we have life in Jesus. Someday every knee shall bow and I'm glad my knee bows now! Blessings on you Mariposa!

Anonymous said...

Great verse! To think that Christ came so we could have life to the fullest is a profound thought. May we live our fullest life for Him.

Samantha said...

Beautiful picture, beautiful verse, thank you so much for sharing, have a truly blessed day !

Vikki Wright said...

I love that God wants us to have a meaningful life, full and satisfying! I love your testimony of giving it all to Him. I did that, too, and although you're IS scary sometimes, it is also the wildest, funnest ride around! I love this adventure! Be blessed, and happy WFW!

Joyfull said...

Beautiful post and picture. Happy WFW!

Angela said...

I LOVE the scripture that you shared..I quote is often,,sometimes numerous times a day...powerful post also. Thanks so much for sharing .It blessed my spirit.

Joanne Sher said...

Wonderful, WONDERFUL thoughts, and that picture just gives such different meaning to the verse. Happy WFW.

Tricia said...

What a wonderful post... the best life we can live is the one God intended for us to live... and the only way we can know what that life is is to spend time with Him in prayer and in the Word... for He came to give us life, and to give us life abundantly...


Alex said...

Thank you for your wonderful honesty & for the great reminder. Blessings to you this week!

Toia said...

Beautiful choice of scripture!! Happy WFW!!

Tracy said...

Praise God for what He's done and continues to do in your life. Thanks for this awesome challenge to us, as well!

Susannah said...

Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts. This is such an encouraging verse to meditate on... in His strength, God wants us to live life to the fullest!

Have a blessed WFW. :~D