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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Note to Myself

Stop trying to fit in,
when you were born to stand out...

A Happy (not so) Wordless Wednesday
on a Tuesday to all of you!!!


jams o donnell said...

Excellent photo! Happy WW

Vinz said...


Anonymous said...

awesome words ! so inspirational !

SandyCarlson said...


Well done!

Jen said...

It can be a hard, lifelong lesson.

Unknown said...

How true! What a fun photo to go with the words!

mimi11460 said...

Nice words and cool picture..

tigerfish said...

I did not stand out. I was just a misfit ;p

Jennybean said...


Anonymous said...

Great still life, that is just lovely!

Momisodes said...

What an amazing photo AND quote to accompany. Love it :)

Mojo said...

I love the photo and the quote is phenomenal! What a great sentiment!

Lori said...

Great shot. I love the contrast....Happy WW.

storyteller said...

Ah … this takes my breath away because it’s a reminder we all need frequently! Thanks so much for sharing this, the lovely pink blossom and so much of yourself with us here.
Hugs and blessings,