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Monday, March 03, 2008

Fun Monday Movie: A Season of Love

I realized I need to do some introductions...LOL

Today's Fun Monday Host, Janet gives us the following challenge;

Write the brief synopsis of this film that you might use to pitch this project and cast the principal players. Who would play you? You can either cast or ignore significant others, children and/or pets. This is, after all, YOUR movie about you you YOU! Illustrate as needed with casting photos or filming locations. Your life not interesting enough? Hey, this is Hollywood. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!

This is just one of the many chapters in the life of Mariposa...

A once-in-a-lifetime love affair that unfolds in a single brief season. A resonant story about the risks that must be taken to truly live and love brought about by an affair of a man who doesn't believe in forever with that of a young woman who has only a moment to give.

The story follows the sexual exploits of Michael Xenus (Pierce Brosnan) -

famous Software Engineer, verging-on-singlehood, playboy, master of the no-commitment seduction - until he runs into an unexpected dead end when he meets Mariposa (Zhang Ziyi).

Mariposa is almost half Michael's age and twice his match, a free spirit yearning to get out and taste the excitement of adult life.

They indulges their interest in each other, expecting yet another quick and easy romance. But nothing about their encounters are quick or easy; instead they are rife with intergenerational clashes, differing philosophies and an inexplicably urgent sense of sensuality and connection. Then, just as he attempts to escape from the relationship with his usual line about "not promising forever," she provides a surprise response: she has her own reasons to believe things absolutely can't last.

Freed for a moment from the confines of time, they pursue an affair unlike any other. It is a season-long encounter that will shatter Michael's preconceptions about women, sex and responsibility as real love - exhilarating, heartbreaking, enduring love - changes everything.

Love, in all its most delicious and devastating, frightening and challenging qualities, is a theme that runs throughout this chapter of Mariposa's life...

...the bittersweet enchantment of an old-fashioned love story set in today's hyper-fast world of technology, commitment-phobic bachelors, frequent May-December romances and independent young women.

WOOT, I made it! That was a REAL challenge! For more interesting FUN please check Janet's Planet.

Music Monday takes care of the musical scoring...

This is Lara Fabian's Broken Vow...

Tell me her name
I want to know
The way she looks
And where you go
I need to see her face
I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end
Tell me again
I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years
Who lays with you at night
When I'm here all alone
Remembering when I was your own


I'll let you go
I'll let you fly
Why do I keep asking why
I'll let you goNow that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow
Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch
That one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time


I close my eyes
And dream of you and I
And then I realize
There's more to life than only bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I'd give away my soul
To hold you once again
And never let this promise end



JennV said...

Ohhh I just Love a great Love story! 4 stars and two thumbs up to you on your film debut!

Have a Fun Monday!

(Two FM's in a row for me! Woot!)

Attie said...

What a sexy Movie!!!!

Sandy said...

Romance, sex, and adventure! Great mix.

thailandchani said...

Very interesting review. Thanks. :)

Sauntering Soul said...

Sounds like an exciting movie! I'd see it!

Anonymous said...

Anything with Brosnan is going to be GREAT in my book!

the planet of janet said...

totally awesome, mariposa! i love a good love story.

great casting too. i expect to see an oscar for this one!

Luisa Perkins said...

Hi, Mariposa! Have a great day!

anno said...

Great pitch! When are you going to write it?

janey jay said...

Great pitch for a movie -- I'm ready to buy my tickets and popcorn now!

Karina said...

Okay, now that has the makings of a HOT movie! ;-)

Irish Coffeehouse said...

Fantastic! This really sounds so very intriguing and great!

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh I would so like to be her! Living for the moment. I wish I could do that!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Ooooh I would so like to be her! Living for the moment. I wish I could do that!

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely amazing! I think it could be a real movie, and now I'm wondering if it's a real adventure.

Jen said...

Sounds like you might have a hit movie on your hands!

Unknown said...


Sayre said...

That's the best kind of love story - one that is doomed from the start, that couldn't, shouldn't happen - but does.

j said...

Wonderful film. I was so engrossed I forgot to eat my popcorn. Jennifer

the rotten correspondent said...

Well, I can't argue with your male casting. At all. Hubba hubba.

Great story!

Gattina said...

I feel all dizzy ! such a love drama ! Finally I am happy that now I am to old for living that, I became lazy, lol !

Anonymous said...

I am such a sucker for love stories.

Faye said...

Mariposa! Late getting to all Fun Monday movies--but must see so I can help jude next year's Academy Awards. I'm going to give you the screenwriter's prize. Excellent plot development and choice of cast. And the themes? Universal and oh so true! Good job.

Melanie said...

Wow! Your movie sounds great!!

Kaytabug said...

Oh wow! Intense! Not a dull moment! Great job!!