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Friday, March 14, 2008


life is exciting
like a pendulum swinging
with no in-between

always on the go
with not a moment of rest
when she's on her high

then she hits her lows
and everything go downhill
ah, time for her pill

And all seems well now
but like sands through the hourglass
the cycle begins...

a tragic Blessing
paired with a Beautiful curse
she is Bipolar

For more Haiku Friday, please visit A Mommy Story!


Mandie said...

Hoo, boy, can I identify with that.

Kat said...

Great haiku! Hope you're feeling steady again. :)

Anonymous said...

this is really great!
hope you're feeling much better now ... and thanks for visiting! :)

Unknown said...

You are a whirlwind! Hope all is balancing out right now for you. Great 'ku!

Happy Friday!

the planet of janet said...

wonderful ku. hope things are ok again.

Joyce said...

Wow! Talk about finding inspiration from difficulty: That is so poetic! :)

Melissa said...

Great 'ku.

Hang in there and wait for the balance. :)

Gift of Green said...

Great 'ku, Mariposa. Have a great and steady weekend!

storyteller said...

such a wonderful
piece of writing about a
challenging life lived

thank you for the gift
of your insight … I have a
bipolar nephew.

reading your haiku
helps me understand a bit
more. I’m glad you shared.

Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

That was a great way to express something so hard to grasp sometimes. Blessings to you, continually.

suchsimplepleasures said...

wonderful haiku! i hope you're feeling better!!

Becki said...

Powerful haiku. I really like it. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and powerful!
Good job capturing the feeling. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing something so personal.

Mariposa said...

Guys, it's something I have been meaning to write about here but was hesitant....but reading through your wonderful comments, I should have done this earlier! :)

Thanks so much to the wonderful thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Very touching. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing Haiku!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful haiku!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Momisodes said...

That was truly amazing! Thank you so much for sharing such a personal side.

Tumblewords: said...

Resonates with me! Well told with perfect words

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

What a wonderful haiku!

Eve said...

Great 'ku. Bipolar is hard to comprehend if you haven't been in it. You describe it very well. Thanks.

Brigitte Ballard said...

Wow... what a haiku!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better. And, I get the swinging pendulum reference.

Bren said...

Very thought provoking and touching haiku!

If you're really interested in the book reviews, let me know and I'll give you the reps email addy. You can ask her if you're able to participate. I don't think it matters where you are as long as you have a blog.

Nancie said...

Thanks for the lovely post. I can surely identify with that too :)

sbwrites said...

Very nicely written and expressive of my feelings as well!


Anonymous said...

Very good Haiku. I guessed bi-polar before I got to the end.