I usually say YES and if ever there are times that I don't get to do it, most likely it slipped from my mercurail mind, so just go ahead and ask me...yes, you are welcome to do that! :D
So before you shy away...let me tell you that this activity is really EASY and FUN to do, plus it gives you opportunity to meet more wonderful people and read wonderful blogs! I'm doing this for THOSE reasons...Technorati ranking is not so much for me....LOL
~ So here goes...start Copying Here ~
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!) It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
Hailey at Brains Bits and Beats
Just call me mommy
One of the Jones’
Barb at Skittles
Misty’s Words ~
The Strategist Notebook
Link Addiction
Ardour of the Heart
When Life Becomes a Book
The Malaysian Life
What goes under the sun
Roshidan’s Cyber Station
Sasha says
Arts of Physics
And the legend lives
My View, My Life
A Simple Life
Juliana RW
Mom Knows Everything
Beth & Cory’s Mom
A Mind Forever Voyaging
enjoying the ride
Jennifer’s thoughts
Mom of 3 Girls
Don’t Make Me Get The Flying Monkeys
ExPat Mom
Just Jessie
Wilson Six
Nuttier Than You
Summer’s Nook
Laura Williams Musings
Seven QTPies
My Little Drummer Boys
Gaining Insights
The Gremlin Wrangler
Charmed Life
Skittles Place
The laughs will go on
Life from Waterloo
Prevailing Purpose
Mariposa's Tales
Below are five wonderful bloggers I met...and I would love them to meet the others (who are as wonderful!).
Yummy of Life, IT and Governance
Sid of Verbal Diarrhoea
Jen of A2Eatwrite
Tien of Legend of Miracles
Sandy of Momisodes
Thanks so much, Mariposa! I'll post this tomorrow.
Nope. Guess I won't. :)
Oops... okay, when I copied the list I realized that none of the links copied. How do I do this?? Please either let me know or e-mail me, okay? Hope you're having a great Sunday!
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