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Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Rose For You All!

While others give a different meaning

to the color of Valentine's Day,

For is the only time of the year

I can celebrate friendship with YOU,

in whatever colors YOU want to paint them!

Happy Hearts Day!


Anonymous said...

Did you know there is a green rose?

Anonymous said...

Yey ! my Fav day of the year ! Wish you a Happy Valentines day !

Jen said...

What a sweet post and perfect photo!

Sid said...

Not a big fan of red roses. I expected more from you Mariposa. Don't I mean anything at all to you. I thought you would have done some research into my fav flower (orchids). Made an effort. I feel so neglected (-; Happy Valentine's Day.

Richard said...

Thank you for the rose. Happy valentine's day.

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Honey! :-)

SignGurl said...

Happy Valentine's day, Mariposa!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you!! You're so sweet and I hope your day is filled with romance.

Tina said...

This is such a beautiful rose - and you know what? I see it the same way like you!

So have a great Valentine’s Day dear friend, Tina

(BTW, I tagged you... check it out)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely rose, Mariposa. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Brigitte Ballard said...

Happy Heart Day to you as well!

Peggy said...

I think you're amazing, and I love to see you stopping by the blog!

Have a wonderful valentine's day!!

WendyB said...

Happy Valentine's!

Lisa said...

you're so sweet!

Momisodes said...

Happy Valentine's day!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the gift! I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

same to you :)