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Friday, February 29, 2008

Feast One Hundred & Eighty One

It's Friday's Feast!!!


Who was the last person you hugged?

My 6-month old nephew just an hour ago...but if you mean reciprocated hug, then it's Yummy!


Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us.

I'm not really sure on this...I wash my face before going to bed...and put on mositurizer alot!

Well, I go to spa regularly...and more than anything, the part of my body that is so well pampered are my nails...I always make sure that they are at least clean, if not manicured and pedicured!


What does the color yellow make you think of?

Sun...and summer!

Main Course

If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around?

Landscape and portrait!


What was the longest book you ever read?

Confessions of St. Augustine when I was still in college! It's several volumes and I read all of it because I need to make a report to the class...but it was fine because I love that class...and likes the Professor...the class was about World's Great Political Thinkers.

And if you want some laugh, please scroll down... ;)

AND, you may want to see what Will of Trailer of Love has! Check it out, he featured me for Friday's WOW!


Natalie said...

What a sweet appetizer!

Unknown said...

Happy FF too! :-)

Melanie said...

How sweet, hugging your nephew! Babies are awesome!

Gabriel said...

Nice post today, Mariposa!

Thanks for dropping by. Have a great FF!

Anonymous said...

last person i hugged was my wife a couple of hours ago ... sorry cant give further details!

Jen said...

That sounded like a great class! Also, how lovely to have a six-month-old nephew!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of moisturizers, too. I used to take time putting on some and other products but I just don't have much time to do that now. But I'm happy being a mother to a wonderful boy.

Happy FF, too.

anno said...

I enjoyed your feast, maybe especially the appetizer. I'd like some sunshine salad, too.

Kittie Kate said...

Who was the last person I hugged?

Lucky, my baby (a rat terrier).

Share a beauty tip

Wash the pollen out of my hair before I go to sleep. That way, it doesn't get in my eyes from my pillow when I sleep.

The color yellow

poop or vomit

A photographer

Animals or scenery. I'd try to get a National Geographic job or a vacation job where you take pictures of vacation spots

Longest book

The complete work of Edgar Allen Poe

Anonymous said...

burp! excuse me... what a yummy feast!

thanks for feasting with me!