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Sunday, December 09, 2007

My First ARK Sunday

This is my first time to join ARK Sundays.

The idea here is to do Act of Random Kindness every week, and it could be to anyone, and post it here every Sunday. Now I know that these acts should come naturally and we don't necessarily post or talk about it, somehow sometimes, I feel we need to have a conscious effort do these acts if they don't come naturally as they are supposed to...

This was inspired by Rura and Miss.

So for this week I did the following ARKs --

(1) On my way out of KUL (the place where my friend Wini and I eat our lunch almost everyday) I opened the door for the waitress who was carrying a tray.

(2) I donated/ loan few dollars to Kiva. I learned about this site through Solomon Broad of Things I'm Grateful For.

(3) Called a very good friend of mine, Toy. toy is a VP of Academic Affairs of CIE. I asked him to contact Kiva and see if they can tap for this organization for their project and request to get beneficiaries from the Philippines.

ARKs really do come naturally for me...and I'm thankful for that...but those 3 were the things I did consciously and at least I can remember well for now...

So I invite everyone to join ARK Sundays...


BipolarLawyerCook said...

Very nice idea. I will have to add it to my list of "to do's"!

Mariposa said...

Great to hear that!

Wholly Burble said...

Nice idea. My cousin and I began some time ago seeing if we could "out bless" each other--all in fun and good spirits. And as we increased the things we could do for each other, we began seeing all the ways we already were, and ways we could add, to be a blessing to others. Simple things, as you listed, like opening doors for people with full hands, holding a dog's leash while someone went into a store that didn't allow dogs.

If you apply yourself, there are Oh so many opportunities daily to be a blessing to others--without really having to put yourself out. And the "payoff", those good feelings inside, well, they're priceless.

Go for it, gal, you're on the right track.

Whiskeymarie said...

Great idea. I have been much more conscious this holiday season (and all year-round) of good things I can do to make the world just a bit better here and there.