This is my first attempt to revive FUN MONDAY and my theme for this week is It's All About Friendship! Everything will be about friends and friendship...and I am so hoping and praying that people will get to join me this week.
I have been blogging to years now...make that 5 years this November specifically. This little space in the web have become so much part of me that I have met so many people and make friends with them. I have come to know friendship despite the distance...and friendship despite lack of personal meetings. Friends here have picked me up many times...and even in one of my downiest moment. I could never imagine talking to someone miles away whom I just get to know about through blogs just to make sure I am fine or otherwise. I have extended my home and family to theirs. And Fun Monday played a significant role in my friendship with people online. It was through Fun Monday that I get to circulate around blogosphere. I met so many wonderful people and have learned so many wonderful things from them...and this just makes me so sad to see it go.
My take for this week's theme is very simple...I want to thank all the people I have made friends with through Mariposa's Tales. You may have not realize it but you have made a great mark in my life and that I will forever cherish. Once again...this week's friendship is all about the friendship I have found in this little corner of the web...something special, beautiful and hopefully lasting! I will not mention names because if you are reading this, then you are one of them. :)
Please visit other FUN MONDAY participants --
Sayre Smiles
Please visit other FUN MONDAY participants --
Sayre Smiles
If you are playing FUN MONDAY, kindly inform me in the comment box and will add your link...while I am trying to set up Mr. Linky back.
Happy FUN MONDAY to all and may you all have a wonderful week ahead!
It's also my 5th year of blogging and I learned so much and made so many "virtual" friends. There were two I met in "real" some others are planned to meet. It can be a disappointment or it can be a real joy. My oldest friend I know since 1951 !! and we are still the best friends ! Meanwhile 3x grandma and I grandma to become in November, lol
I'm playing! Got my post up already.
Hey! I posted Fun Monday after all!!!
yours is a lovely post - so true. I've made some wonderful friends, too.
my 4th anniversary of blogging came and went in June - I love my cyber friends.
(What a great idea -- I didn't even think to go there)
Give me a few minutes, and I will have posted my Fun Monday. I've got a cold and I'm moving slowly today.
Thanks, M., for reviving Fun Monday.
Hi Mariposa! I second everything you've said about the value of online friendships either through blogging or facebook. Like you, my first friends came about through Fun Monday and they're still the best. It is possible to care deeply for people that you've never met in person and hope that their life goes well.
My post on "Virtual Friendships" is up and I'll see you again next week to talk shoes.
I enjoy my online friends. Great people.
I am glad I'm your friend.
I too am grateful for all my vitual friends...most of whom I have met though FM. I will be celebrating two years blogging in Sept. I will play next week. Thanks for caring so much about FM and taking the reins.
My post is up at C is for Cynicalgirl:
Oh, I so wish I had known about Mon Funday. My post was about of all things...Friendship !
My daughter and her friend since 3rd grade were featured.
That's what I get for not glob-hopping.
While I here, I'll let you know about a contest at my's a continuation of the Friendship Post.
I dont have a good one for shoes so I'll pass it up, but I'll try and play the next week!
Mon Funday...favorite shoes !
OK. I would love to play August 2, BUT, I would have to break the rules, which is nothing new !
So, if you will allow me to do that, sign me up.
I promise to try to follow the rules next week.
Mine shoes are up and running. I did follow the rules !
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