...All The Time!
The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters...
~ Psalm 93:4
~ Psalm 93:4
This is one post I have been meaning to post but somehow God taught me the value of patience and faith, thus it is posted today and not many weeks ago when I wanted to.
I've been saying here for a month now that I am waiting for some good news to come...and it has arrived yesterday afternoon and I will open the package today.
No...it is not a thing delivered to me. It is something else -- my CAREER and my career options.
I've had challenges in my current job and most of you have been a witness to that through reading some of my WFW and other posts. Yet with God's grace I was able to overcome them all. Last week of April I got an opportunity to move to a new company. It's a very promising position and more than anything it will still let me do the things I love to do. I was supposed to join them mid of May but it took a bit longer for their main office in the US to process my papers...and oh boy, was it a long wait.
So many noises in my head while I was waiting. So many fears. So I decided to stood firm on my ground and see what my current employer is going to offer. It turns out they asked me to make a list of things which will make me stay. Quite flattering but not much of a good news since I've had too many concerns since I joined, and most of them is just about them letting me do my job. Then comes that conflict with a fellow manager on top of everything going on in my head. The whole time I got nothing from the new company which I'm move to but constant communication on the progress of my papers -which was "no feedback yet".
Ordinarily I was supposed to feel devastated and to wallow already, yet I felt God's hand resting on my shoulder. The loss of a friend also allowed me time to think nothing about work. I have resolved to let God give me what is best for me. I lifted it all up to Him.
Monday evening I emailed to my boss my list...it was not really a list but a plan. My plan for the company...not even for myself. I understand she was too preoccupied that moment and that we will talk about it maybe next week. Maybe. Maybe not.
Yet I was not worried, rather for whatever reason I feel so good this week. My week just started so right nothing can seem to make it wrong. So I said, maybe I will hear some good news tomorrow. Maybe.
Yesterday I got a call informing me that finally my papers are out. I have been searching the whole night on what to do. This morning I got God's answer. This opportunity is what I've been praying for. The delay was not to discouraged me but perhaps for me to trust in Him more and for me to put value on this offer as I waited for it.
I will be discussing the content of the job offer later today as well as my term for employment with them. I will go there and listen. And I am asking God one more time to open my mind and heart. Something in me has already decided. I just need to open the package and close the deal.
Sorry for the long post. I just can't help myself but bear witness to God's power and how He moved me and carried me through the past weeks.
Did you have any similar experiences? When you seem to have the answer and God seems wanted you to wait a little bit longer? I'd love to hear you from guys!
Most of all...thanks for everybody's prayers! I did not just mean last week...but every time I have concerns here I always feel your prayers working on me...and this is one of them!
God bless you all!

and join us
as we share inspiring Bible verse
at Word Filled Wednesday
Wow - that's big! Congratulations! God is good, isn't He?
Praising him with you! Great verse for the time you were going through! May you hear his voice!
Awesome! Praying for you...He is going to continue to do great things :o)
And beautiful photo and perfect verse for you today :)
wow! God is good indeed!
I love the verse... God bless you!
Great news! Patience is hard to have at times, but you sustained through all the hard times.
Praise God!
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, our God is an awesome God! Congratulations!
That is wonderful! congrats!
God bless you dear.
Mar! you know I'm so blessed to watch you change over the past year! thanks for sharing your story today! it's exciting to see the changes1
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