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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Summer Is Here!

Okay, apologies for being late for my Fun Monday entries...but they say better late than never!

The lovely Patience of Patience Is A Virtue is hosting this week's Fun Monday, and her theme is --

How I'll Spend My Summer Vacation!

Ha! How nice! I so want to fast forward the days and jump to the beach with IT Guy! LOL

It's summer here already...though we have the sun all year round...this is just the hottest...warmest time of most people stay at the beach around this time.

IT Guy and I always do last minute skip trips, not only with nearby islands but also with nearby countries! Last Sunday I had to passed by the mall to buy a gift for a friend and we passed by this nice store (I forgot the name!) and saw a very nice beach outfit...I say outfit because it's not a swimwear nor a sundress but well, that thing we wear on top of our swimwear...god I wanted to buy it, but IT Guy said, let's get it next weekend, because I'll buy you a swimwear that would go with that! Oh joy...then I said...but where will I wear them...he said, I have trip to Bohol on the 24th of April, that's Friday...come with me and we stay over the weekend!

I was like WOW! He rarely invite me to his business trips...and well, I've been wanting to go back to Bohol...a place I so Mom's place...where most wonderful times happen!

So I have to change my Fun Monday post last minute...well, not that I have made the post, but just in my mind yah know! LOL

So yes, we are going to Bohol! Just about a few minutes by boat (fast ferry) from here. Just me and the IT Guy...WOOT!

I have here some old photos of Bohol...all from different places...just so you get a glimpse of that place once again (for those who are new here!).

This photo was taken few years back when I was on my to Panglao...I am a sucker of sunrise, and we have to stopped at the bridge to take this photo...

Below are photos of Bohol Beach Club....see the beautiful sand...and the blue sky!

And below are the limited photos I have for Eskaya Beach Resort...went there almost two years ago...on my own...the place is very nice but quite pricey!

I have to mention the price part because time of economic turn down, people usually take from the list their recreational activities...yet I'd say, there are still some ways to be creative in planning for a nice vacations with limited budget, right?!

Below is a photo of the famous Loboc river...see they have this floating restaurant, but when I took this photo years back I was on a boat cruise...but I am hoping to go there with IT wait for the photos!

The photo above is where ladies do their laundry!

And this like a wide view of the river...I wish I can do justice to its beauty!

There...that is the place I'm going to this 24th of April...with IT Guy! I am so excited....

Now...let me go and hop to Patience to visit other participants of Fun Monday since I am really way late!

Wish you all a great week ahead!


Gattina said...

I should move over ! A place where it is summer the whole year is just perfect for me I just survive winters here ! What a beautiful place you are going to ! Now I envy you !

margaret (the misanthrope) said...

Wow...I agree with Gattina, I want to move there!! I also just "survive" our winters. And hooray for last-minute trips! Have a wonderful time!

Molly said...

Your vacation spot does look wonderful and restful. The 24th is just around the corner. I hope that you and the IT guy have a wonderful time.

Patience said...

WoW! Great pics!!

It's 38 degrees here and I'm really feeling the need for some warm!! (It'll come soon enough and I'll be missing the cool!)

jill said...

I tried to email you back but it said it failed ! anyway, look forward to seeing you next week!


Jientje said...

Wow, what a beautiful place, I would LOVE to spend my holidays there!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun fun fun to me!!
be gentle with IT guy! He has to work!

Anonymous said...

Can i come with you ? Awesome pics !