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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Re-building Myself

Oh no, Iim not damaged at all! I meant something else for my title...

One of the many things which got me pre-occupied lately is doing an overhaul in my resume. All these years I've been writing (business and blogs) yet I'd say, trying to word one's personal achievement is quite tough!

I'm about done and looks like I will finish them this weekend...and the IT Guy told me get my own personal website for professional blogging. A site where I post my credentials and projects and at the same time talk about just I do and share practices with the industry I am with.

So, I must get a domain! Then, I need to find myself a good hosting good I mean, affordable, reliables and easy to use!
As I was checking on different site resources today and saw a site advertising for different web hosting sites! It has quite a good list of different web hosting sites with corresponding prices, service and add-on benefits. I think I am going to check those sites and see if I can find a good one, per my catergory!

If you are shopping for a web hosting service, you may want to check that web hosting directory!

I'm almost done with my first item in my to do list...WOOT!

Wish you all a happy weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yey ! link me up when you done getting a domain