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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Light to My Path

Please hover your mouse over the photo.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
- Psalm 119:105

Happy (not so) WORDless FILLED Wednesday!

To see more wonderful captures, please check Wordless Wednesday!

Celebrate with us as we share inspiring Bible verses at Word Filled Wednesday!


Denise said...

One of my all time favorites.

Tammy said...

Great verse & a very creative way of displaying it! Blessings, Tammy @

lambofHisflock said...

Beautiful verse and photo. And thank you for your comment on my page today. May God bless you and keep you.

MaR said...


Tracy said...

Oh this! I'm always partial to scriptures about paths...such a powerful visual. Thank you for sharing this beautiful encouragement for today.


Anonymous said...

There is getting to be a real challenge in finding new ways of being creative and pushing our learning limits. So good to be challenged.
Great work.

Laurie Ann said...

Beautiful. I love it! How in the world do you make the text appear like that? Happy WFW!

Anonymous said...

Mariposa! What a beautiful photograph to illustrate this verse that I love so much!! well done. Love how the verse comes up when you hover :0)

Anonymous said...

I love how you did the verse (must tell me how!! lol).

I think that has to be the ultimate best verse from God's word because it's true, His word has no boundaries and is forever timeless and is forever a lighted path that will never go out.

I chuckled about your comment about recalling a last real good thunderstorm. It's funny how something we take for granted, that we don't miss until we have gone a season without it...Prayers that God will bless you with a good thunderstorm and a cup of hot chocolate to go with it! Hehehe

DNLee said...

very nice. I always enjoy stopping by on wednesdays.

Happy WW. Check out my Scenes of Autumn and Vote for me. I’m a finalist in a Blogging Scholarship. Visit this link and select Danielle Lee.

Thank You very much.

Mojo said...

Awesome photo, and a great illustration of the verse as well!

Katie said...

What a beautiful picture. So peaceful.


Carrie said...

Beautiful picture to illustrate this wonderful scripture.

Joan said...

Cool mouse over. I'll have to try that. Beautiful pic and the perfect verse for it too. Thanks for sharing with us.


Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful picture to go with that verse.

Susan said...

Wow, how cool!!! Loved the verse and the picture was just perfect.

Hmmmm, interesting!

Hope you are having a blessed day♥

lori said...

How COOL is this! You've taken WFW to new heights....What a great way to express it!! I LOVE it!!

You DO have to tell us....we are all curious:)

What a blessing Mariposa!

Peggy said...

Mariposa...blessings and holy hover

How's you do that! LOVE IT!

I love the photo and my favorite daily verse always on my blog above His Word because truly this lamp lights my path! And now I have a "hover" to light HIS WORD! Very intriguing & interesting! Never a dull moment on WFW! Thanks for sharing & your sweet visit! Now I'm enjoying WFW...and I hope you enjoy the day also! Have a wonderful week

Anonymous said...

Wonderful words

Hey ! how is your health now?

Sunny Shell said...

Sister Mariposa,

That is sooooo cool! WOW! And so perfect for the verse! You have to seek after God with your whole heart and He will make Himself known to you!

How incredible! I love it! Thank you for you kind comment! :-)

Bless you,

Anonymous said...

love the mouse trick :)

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

How'd ya' do that!!??? Cool!
I melt over any picture of a path. The Lord speaks to me in themes of beaches and water and PATHS. SO much Scriptural and Spiritual application. This is beautiful. THANK YOU!
Happy WFW!

mariel said...

beautiful verse! I stopped by when I saw your name "mariposa" and thought, isn't that spanish for butterfly?! What a precious blog and a beautiful name! :)

SandyCarlson said...

The curve of the light is poetic!

Alex said...

A GORGEOUS photo! Thank you for sharing & blessings to you today!

Monkey! said...

Great pic to go with the verse!

Kristi said...

Oh, that is too cool. How did you do that? Blessings to you.

Amydeanne said...

great mouseover! your photos are always breathtaking M!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I'm loving your roll over the photo with words effects too! :)

storyteller said...

Lovely photo and Bible passage here. Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,