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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Piece of My Heart

they say a picture
paints a thousand words, yet i
have only three words

Happy (not so) Wordless Wedenesday!


Momisodes said...

Such beauty in both photos and words. A lovely WW.

Jen said...

Very sweet!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL communicates much in image.

No words necessary :).

Gabriel said...

Truly wordless, Mariposa. A gorgeous picture for this week's post!

Happy WW, and thanks for dropping by!

My post...

Gattina said...

Wow ! so romantic early morning, lol (at least for me !)

CK Ng said...

That's so sweet! Happy WW! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy WW!

Three words are all you need. A very lovely sentiment.

Robin said...

Beautiful, romantic photos. Someone's very lucky to receive them.

Anonymous said...

Really really pretty pictures :) As others have said, truly wordless :)

Thanks for stopping by my WW :)

Cheri said...

I love roses and I love the colours in these pictures.

Anonymous said...

wow...pretty girl, awesome colours :) Great shot. Well done.

Mariposa said...

Momisodes - Oh thanks...I wanted to grab your sweet WW! ;)

Jen - Oh Jen, sweet? That's you!

Robin - Thanks! I guess it's just so hard for me to be totaly wordless...LOL

Gabriel - Thank you Gab! I enjoyed your WW as well...I always do!

Gattina - I am romantic 24x7, and hopefully people don't get tired of it! And thank for the chukcle as well...your WW always crack me up!

CK-II - Thank you. I also enjoy your entry this week...makes me see different places...different faces!

Black on Campus - Very true...if we could only inculcate those 3 little words in our everyday interaction...

Robin - Thank you...I'd say I am lucky to be given the chance to say those words to him...

Maggie - Thank you! Was playing with my friend's cellphone when I took that shot...turns out to me something inspiring for WW...

Cheri - I think most women love roses...Thanks!

Nicktay - Thanks alot! I am smiling so big reading your generous comments here!

Unknown said...

Happy WW! That is truly a beautiful pair of photos. Thank you for uplifting my spirits this morning...

I invite your blog readers to see something that I never imagined possible earlier this year ... Barack & Hillary kissing each other?!?

peace, Villager


Very moving inspirational pictures.
Beautiful imagery.

Happy WW!

DNLee said...

nice. happy ww

Anonymous said...

gorgeous pictues, I love the one by the window.

storyteller said...

Lovely photos and Haiku here (as always) … I’m almost (but a little wordier than you) at Sacred Ruminations and celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Small Reflections. Hope you’ll find time to drop by ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Now you make me emotional ...!

Rachel said...

How beautiful!!!

Following In My Shoes

Lori said...

Awwwwwwww, thats beautiful. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)