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Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Art of Being...

PhotoHunt: Lazy!

And now for the the lighter side of life at work...still on the same topic... Need to impress someone quickly...and easily? Without any effort?! Ha, take the following action plan! The procedure is simple. Think of any three-digit number; then select the corresponding buzzword from each column.

For instance, number 368 produces "systematized logistical projection", a phrase that can be dropped into virtually any report with that ring of decisive knowledgeable authority. No-one will have the remotest idea of what you're talking about, but the important thing is that they are not about to admit it!

It's more than art, it's science too! LOL

Learn more about Smiley Saturday...and visit Lightening for other smiley participants!

See more facets of "lazy", visit PhotoHunt's HQ!


Jen said...

The dog is adorable, and the business advice is.... um... interesting!

Anonymous said...

when i grow up I wanna be a dog!

Anonymous said...

futuristic incremetal scenario ... sounds good !

Jennybean said...

the dog is dooing lazy very well

great advice... let me get a pen and write that down...


Anonymous said...

Cutest picture ever.

- said...

This is *such* a diggity*doggone sweet pic~ Just way too cute :)


storyteller said...

I’m glad you decided to participate in Smiley Saturday too and I love this ‘action plan’ chart! It’s very ‘kewl’ ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Laura said...


Clara said...

I love your doggy picture! The advice isn't half bad either. I have to tell you I've heard phrases that are just as meaningless in IT planning meetings.

earthlingorgeous said...

Uhoh! I am too lazy to figure out that game right now hahahaha but I will come back later to play :) The dog looks very lazy too. My lazy post is about my cat. I think it's hard to top a cat having a lazy day!

Anonymous said...

I love the dog. But I am really going to have to try the number game.