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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fluttering Around A Rainbow

*Please HOVER your mouse over the photo...

Happy (not so) WORDless FILLED Wednesday!

Please visit other participants at the following links -


Mojo said...

Ooh I like this! Either shot by itself is a winner, but I like what you've done with the mouseover too.
Very nice work!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Nice one!! I love the hover the mouse effect of it!! Colourful :)

Anonymous said...

very cool!!

Nancie said...

Wow, this is great! I love it. I thought the photo is so beautiful. But what a surprise I got when I hover my mouse over the photo. What a precious verse from Genesis 9:13! Such a great encouragement to remember that we serve a covenant-keeping God Who loves us and care for us daily. Thanks for sharing with us. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and have a blessed WFW and WW!

broca's area said...

crayon colours!!!

chartao said...

Color Pencils...

it's since along time I used them.

eastcoastlife said...

That's so cool! The mouse-hover effect. :)

Gabriel said...

Beautiful pictures, Mariposa! One day I'm going to learn how to do the 'hover' thingy... :-)

My WW post for today...

Gypsy at heart said...

BOTH are keepers! Very, very nice!
"Blue Man"

Unknown said...

Really cool idea! I like the pictures and verse together! Oh God has given us so many promises to hold onto!

Praying we all cling to Him today and every promise He has made!

Be blessed,

CK Ng said...

Nice shot. Happy WW! :)

Deanna said...

What a creative way to illustrate one of God's promises!

Kellie said...

very cool!!! I love it!

jams o donnell said...

Great shot. Such a simple but striking photo. Happy WW

Anonymous said...


And completely coincidentally, that's my daughter's memory verse this week.

Laurie Ann said...

Love it! Very creative and beautiful for WFW!

Anonymous said...

that was great.

Momisodes said...

I love this! What a lovely post for WW :)

I hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

Very cool Mariposa! Love the visual...

~Amy~ said...

I love this Post..... and oh what a Great Promise from God.

SandyCarlson said...

I love what you've done here. This presentation is very beautiful.

Denise said...


storyteller said...

Wonderful! I've got to learn how to do this 'hover' thing one day myself.
Hugs and blessings,

Amydeanne said...

very cool!!! happy WFW

Melanie said...

This is cool! Great job!

Happy WFW!

Alexis said...

Oooh, a tricky little mouse-over! You got my attention. Neat post, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Nice words .. Thanks !

Hanna said...

Nice, really nice! :) I love this picture.