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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So Many Watches...

Yet So Little Time!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


Snap Catch said...

great shot for ww! mine's up too hope you can drop by... Happy WW!

catsynth said...

What an interesting collection.
I wonder where they all came from, and how you were able to arrange them for the photo?

Anonymous said...

Thank God i have just one watch ... i have all the time .

Monkey! said...

You selling those out of your coat?

Busymama Kellie said...

Do you wear and use all of them or do you just collect? Nice shot!

Hootin Anni said...

Looks similar to my collection. And half of mine need batteries! LOL

My W W is posted. Stop by if you can find time. And, have a terrific day.

MaR said...

what a collection!
Happy ww :)

Princess Vien said...

so cool!!

Here's mine.

Happy WW!!

MattM3 said...

I like it! Great pic.

Lizzz said...

great pic.. you have soo many watches. What a collection.

Mine's up too... Happy WW!

The Fitness Diva said...

You have waaayyy too much time on your hands! lol You knew that was coming, right? ;)

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Better get movin'! You have a wide variety of timepieces there.....

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Here's my post:
In Nature

SandyCarlson said...

I could use a collection like that. I lose them at a rate of one a month, so that would keep me going for a while!

Spin said...

I have a hard enough time figuring out what to wear for earrings. Could deal with watches. Nice ones though.

broca's area said...

so many???....i have abt 12 of them!!!