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Monday, July 21, 2008


That's me!

And to finish the above line...took me an hour. Yes, I've been staring at my monitor for hours now...and the moment my fingers touch the keyboard, my mind is at a loss!

Looks like my "...I can never be a fun girl on a Monday morning" days are here again! And nothing can seem to pull me out of proof is this site being a ghost site for weeks now.

Many of you wonder if I'm busy...well, not fact, I was on leave from work since I had 5 days straight with nothing to do. Most of those days were spent going to the mall useless fancy things just to busy my mind...ah, I've been watching Avatar too!

Yep, yep, I watched Book 1 to 3 for the past 5 days...not so me!

So I'm skipping Fun...Manic...and Music Monday today. I just can't do it.

I'm so hoping this will pass and that I can swing back to my old self again...soon. For now, let me just lurk around...and hope you excuse my silence.


blue said...

its normal to have an ebb and flow to things. just don't lament it so much. it will ruin the ebb. KWIM? *smile.

Jan said...

We all have these moments in our life. I am in the midst of one myself but i am trying to overcome it as well. Just lurk my friend and see what others are talking about. You'll get back to your BEing when you are ready. (((HUGS)))

storyteller said...

Ah … been there myself actually so I can relate. Sometimes we all NEED some ‘down time’ to rest ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Swing back woman ! get there faster !

the princess said...

know what you're saying hon. it'll pass and you'll be entertaining and enlightening once again. kisses!

broca's area said...

chill!1..take a break....or else read a good book!!....