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Saturday, June 14, 2008

He Drives Me Crazy...

Photohunt: Emotion(s)

CLICK to know why...

This is my nephew Sean Hendrik driving with the IT Guy...LOL IT Guy hopes to pass the obligation of driving me to work. I hope IT Guy figures out soon how to get Sean's license to far, he can only drive his Aunt to some crazy laughter!!!

See more emotions, visit PhotoHunt's HQ!


Anonymous said...

Now that put a smile on my face. :)

Anonymous said...

Kids really enjoy getting behind the wheel :)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Cool emotional display here.

Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

sweet. 'driving aunt to crazy laughter'? I can see why, he's adorable!!!

Happy Hunting. Hope your weekend is super.

jams o donnell said...

Haha that's hilarious. Have a great weekend

broca's area said...


Mec said...

awww... sooo cute!!!

my take on emotion is also already up....

Anonymous said...

lol! He's a natural.

Unknown said...

Oh my God, how cute he is! Sean is a very cute name as well. Naaw, already driving. Hihi driving you to laughter, well me too. xD

Anonymous said...

You mean to say he came with the salad leaves?

cute MashaAllah !