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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wonderful Times!!!

Kudos, Where Were You is not on its 4th! I'm so proud of your Gab!

Gab asks...Where were you...

(1)...last Saturday (April 26, 2008)?

I was with Yummy the whole time... We have been so busy wit work and all that we just had to spend time with each other...

I will not talk so much, it would be TMI...all I can say is, I had a great time with my Yummy!

(2)...ten days ago (April 19, 2008)?

You got
with #1 Gab...where was I last Sat...I was in CLOUD 9...or make that 7th Heaven!!!

Seriously, I was in Bohol having the time of my life...

Why? How come? Well...I did some things which I have never tried in my life...

First of all, I have endured staying in a not 5 star place...THAT folks was such an achievement for Mariposa! :P

Then, for the first time, I got into a small boat...really small!

That's me with the nice guy who was manning the boat... The boat was so small that it can only accomodate 3 people...the driver and 2 passengers...the most! There is another person there...yet, he is a private let's remove him from the scene! LOL

I was this close to the water!!! And we were going to that island!

This is the's called Aurora! I can only imagine how beautiful the sunrise would be here! Arrgghhh!!!

One of the many rice fields we passed by on our way to another city, still in the same island, Bohol!

Our final stop, Panglas Island Beach Resort! The view is nice...yet, I've been to places like this...better ones in fact, yet, it's always the FUN that counts!

THAT weekend made me realize ALOT of things...that the yacht (SJI, Red, Vince and Kate, you won!) is not the that small...I was into a SMALL boat!!! YET...sorry gys, but I have to say, the small boat was more FUN! :P

(3)...a month ago (March 29, 2008)?

A good friend of mine got here and I had to picked him up at the airport...had lunch with him, helped him with his groceries and all! Can't really remember the details...all I'm left with is that nice feeling of seeing a friend again!

WOW, that was amazing! ALL fond memories there!!! I'm inviting you all to try journey with us...join the FUN, visit Live From Waterloo for more time travel stories!


broca's area said...

hope u enjoyed!!...who is that 3rd person???

Nancie said...

Glad you have a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing the photo. Thanks for visiting. Take care!

Gabriel said...

That was great! Thanks for playing Where were you?; you had a very interesting weekend! :-)

soccer mom in denial said...

Wow - what terrific photos. That island excursion looks wonderful!

Kittie Kate said...

Those pictures are so pretty!
I want to go to the Philippines!

Jen said...

What a beautiful island! And it sounds like you had lovely places to be on all three of those dates!

Anonymous said...

Im glad its not a tag , as for me i am in the same place for the last 3 years like robot .. think i am not going anywhere either...