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Sunday, February 24, 2008

FUN Monday Challenge!

I will be hosting next week's FUN MONDAY and I am so excited.

And let me tell you, making a decision on what will be the next week's FUN challenge is just TOUGH! :D

Next week's Fun Monday is easy, I'll only be asking TWO things -

(1) Please share to us how the NAME of your BLOG was made? I can't wait to hear interesting funny stories!

(2) Please share to us (in words or photo, though a combination of both will be a bonus!) your favorite/ most common dish!

SO easy right? ;)
These are the people who signed up!


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Wow! I'm first?? I will be participating next week. Sounds like fun, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Count me in... ;)

Jan said...

count me in.

Alison said...

what a wonderful topic...I love it and it will be easy for me!! count me in.

Anonymous said...

I think I can handle the challenge. If not, I will ad lib as I go. See ya! NLM

Linda said...

I'm in - wow, Fun Monday is getting so high tech! I think you should post the directions for both a sticky post and for the Mr. Linky thingy!

thefoodsnob said...

SOOO easy, I have no choice but to play (thanks for hostessing!)


Sayre said...

Oooo!!!! Mr. Linky is cool! If I'd known how to do that, I might not have mis-typed some of those links... Definitely, post directions!!!!

Mariposa said...

How I would love to see most of us with that Linky come this Monday! Adding that is very easy...the a bit complicated part is adding it to the header...which I promise to post later today! :)

Meantime, for those who wants to get that Linky, follow the link first and create an account. There you have to enter your blogsite. Once you have will be easy for you to follow the directions from there with help of the post that I will be putting up on how to have that Linky.

Mariposa said...

To add, since I mentioned adding the code in the "header" is the only complicated part- I'm willing to do that for anyone who would let me! ;) Once you have have, you can add Linky in any post you want as part of your blog.

Michelle said...

I'll play!!

Johanne said...

This sounds very fun, indeed... but... will I find time to play???
I will try... but I promise nothing... just a big effort!!
Maybe I will need a reminder... ;-)))

SwampAngel65 said...

This one should be easy enough. I'll need to make my dish soon so I can take some pics!

Anonymous said...

i love to be part of the fun monday challenge. i can't wait to get started. btw, nice blog you've got here. Very interesting reads. i'll be back for more. hope you dont mind exchanging links?

have a great day!

Kaytabug said...

Do I still have time to change my blog name? Ha ha. I'm in.

Hootin Anni said...

An easy one this week. I'm looking forward to the hows/whys of blog names. And maybe get some input of trying some new dishes too. An added bonus!!!

BS said...

This one is easy !! Count me in.

Celeste said...

I'll be there!

Anonymous said... when do I do this?

Anonymous said...

I'm in! surely more fun mondays to come!

Unknown said...

Yea! I mae it, almost forgot to sign up.

Karina said...

Sounds fun!

Peter said...

Ok I'm in at #40 thanks.

Sandy said...

Sorry it took so long to sign up. Thanks for hosting and I'll see you Monday!

Gattina said...

Of course I am with you ! I forgot to put my link here (Alzenheimer)

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

I will play -- thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

I'll get it a try

Anonymous said...

I'm in ready to break ALL the rules.

Joy T. said...

More people should use this Linky to sign up, excellent idea. And I'm signed up at #50. Thanks for a fun easy assignment at this incredibly busy time.

Jill said...

thanks. here goes!

Pamela said...

I hope I get this done!! I've been slacking lately.

Anonymous said...

GREAT idea for a FM post!!! And since mine is kinda sorta half written, it'll be easy, too.

Thanks for hosting (I'm adding you to the FM complete listing linked in my sidebar).

Jen said...

Wooohooo! This looks like great fun, but I may have to pass being so behind on reading/writing from this past week.

Melanie said...

My post is up. Thanks for hosting this week- and I love how you used Mr. Linky! So much easier!!

Our Happy Happenings

Hootin Anni said...

Sunday Evening:

Mine's posted!!!!

Jo Beaufoix said...

I'll have a go, though my name story is a bit dull. Hmmm, I may have to make something up. ;)

Cynthia said...

ChrisB's link is wrong. Here is the correct one:

Cynthia said...

UMMM..... Number 48, David, is porn!!!!!

mama speak said...

I'm in; at least for the first part.