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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

They Made Me Speechless...

Some wines....

To add to my butterfly collection!

An executive planner...more stunning in red!

Fendi sunglasses...

Hahaha, love this pearly wristwatch!

My first time to have a white wallet...

More pink items for me...though Crocs will never look nice in my small feet.

I thought I'm over with those pink boots days!

And here's another one!

And a lot more!

Thanks for all the gifts...


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the pink boots.

Momisodes said...

WOW! Those pink boots are hot! Love them :) I'd be speechless too.

**"Liza"** said...

ohhh looks like you had a lot nifty goodies here..;)
I hope you had a Blast New Year Eve! Post mine too

Jan said...

Those boots are something else ! Did you get these things for Christmas? the butterfly case is beautiful too. (((HUGS)))

Shesawriter said...

Very very nice pressies! :-)

Happy WW!

Here's mine. :-)

Gabriel said...

You got very cool gifts!

My WW post is here.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Wow you were really well gifted! You must have been very good!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Wow - that's a lot of pressies!
You must have been good this year, eh?
Happy New Year!

LadyNoor said...

Wow! I'd be speechless too :)
What great stuff you've got! Happy WW!

My Wordless Wednesday

Jan Parrish said...

Love the boots.

Happy New Year! May 2008 be even better for you than 2007.

Shelia said...

Gotta love those pink boots! Extremely snazzy. Happy WW!

Bernie said...

Some fancy stuff there!!!

HartofDixie said...

Those boots are rockin'
Cool stuff you got!
Happy New Year!

catsynth said...

Quite a collection.
Happy WW (and nice boots :)

CHIKAI ♥ said...

wow! i heart those sexy pink boots! :)

thanks for dropping by my blog! :)

She She said...

Love the pink boots!

Cathi said...

I love crocs! I wear them all the time.
Happy WW

Kaytabug said...

Happy New Year!

Those are some really great gifts!

Anonymous said...

Nice Boots!

SimplyBillie said...

LOVE the pink boots! So chick!

Linda said...

The watch is awesome!! I have so many watches and clocks. Guess I'm obsessed with time. lol

Anna said...

Oh this is lovely, thanks for sharing them...And thanks for the comments at my blog.. I appreciate it, and it's my pleasure to met you here too.

Wholly Burble said...

Someone was a very good girl this past year--as you got some very nice gifts! I bet you look pretty spiffy in those pink boots. ;-)

Jen said...

The pink boots are WAY too cool!

Natalie said... were blessed with lots of fun stuff!

Mariposa said...

They're all gifts from friends...apparently, two people were thinking of giving my pink boots...not that I'm complaining!

Maybe now you got it why I wish for people's wish to come true...they give me great gifts! ;)

Jennifer said...

Those pink boots ROCK!

Rachel said...


And OMG. I love those boots!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Love all your booty !

LittlePea said...

Cute boots. How lucky of you.

Happy New Year!

JenLive! said...

Nice gifts. Love the boots!

Happy WW!

Kristin said...

Very cute pink boots. It looks like a good Christmas for you. Happy New Year!

Kristin said...

Very cute pink boots. It looks like a good Christmas for you. Happy New Year!

Rick said...

Any of those under your tree?

I've been visiting the blog of those that have posted on mine because I'm having a little give-way over at my blog to celebrate one year of blogging - no gimicks - just some fun.

Anonymous said...

I want the boots!!!! :-P