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Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Mama!

Bless me, for I have sinned. I just committed committed a cardinal sin of child-parent relations today. I forgot to buy Mom a birthday gift. Well, I didn't completely forget, I just kept postponing it 'til it slipped from my head like that.

Today I woke up at around 4:30 AM to check how Mom is doing sine she hasn't been well since Saturday...and I saw the calendar, and realized it's her birthday today!

Today, my Mom turns 60.

I panic. I'm embarrass. I'm sorry.

I know, I know, it's pathetic. Maybe you call me a self-centered, lazy daughter because while others could have sent flowers, candy, cards and presents to the amazing women who brought them into this world and/or raised them, I was busy with something else.

I'm one of the lucky ones who has a mom and beyond that, a mom who cares, a good mom who always made sure I am in good shape. And while others define mother as the person who gave birth to you, I believe a mother can be anyone who has been a role model, taken care of, supported and encouraged you.

Mom has done so many things for me, some of them I probably didn't deserve.

She brought me into this world and never chose to take me out no matter how obnoxious I got. I would just like to say, thanks, Mom, for putting up with me.

I know it hasn't always been easy and that I tested your patience millions of times, but you have always been there for me. All I am now, all my successes and achievements wouldn't be possible without your support and Papa's. Furthermore, you have showed me how to be myself in a world that doesn't always appreciate women who speak their mind and don't conform to the norm.

Again, happy birthday Mom and to all Moms in the world celebrating their birthday rocks! ;-)

P.S. I know in my heart what she wants, it's something money can't buy. I guess, she has it already. :-)


Anonymous said...

Send my bday hugs to Auntie...hope she gets better soon. And yes, I have decided to stop blogging...that site is already down.

Miss you...

LittlePea said...

Happy Birthday Mariposa's Mama! If you told her all the beautiful things you said about her here, that is the gift I think every mother would want.

Unknown said...

What a sweet post to your mom! I hope she has a great birthday!

Jan said...

Hey girl..... if your mom reads your beautiful words from your heart, that will be the best gift you can give. You're a good daughter. Happy Birthday Mama !


Rachel said...

My mom and I have always been off and on with the birthday thing. Usually I just get her things for no reason, at any time of the year, and then present them as birthday presents.

"Your birthday's not for six months? Eh. Consider these flowers an early gift."

Mariposa said...

Thanks guys! Mom is still sick though, so I was on leave from work and here yesterday...

Wholly Burble said...

Happy Belated birthday to your mom--hope she's all better now.

I am sure the gift of your words was present enough for her.

Nancie said...

So blessed to have such a wonderful mom! I thank God for my mom too. She took care of me most of my life and especially when I was severely depressed recently. Surely your mom will be encouraged by your kind thoughts of her. What can we do without our moms? :-)